How to Restart Docker Containers

How to Restart Docker Containers

If you’re working with Docker containers, there may come a time when you need to restart one or more of them—perhaps to apply configuration changes or resolve an issue. In this guide, we’ll walk through how to restart containers individually or as a group. We’ll also include examples using sample container names and IDs for reference.

Restarting a Single Container

To restart a single Docker container, use the docker restart command followed by the container’s name or ID. For example:

docker restart my_app_container

This command stops the container and immediately starts it again. It’s a quick way to refresh the container without removing it.


If your container is named web_app_1, the command would look like this:

docker restart web_app_1

If you prefer to use the container ID, find it by running:

docker ps

You’ll see an output like this:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE             COMMAND                  STATUS          PORTS                          NAMES
abc12345def6   nginx:latest      "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   Up 3 hours>80/tcp            web_app_1

Then restart using the container ID:

docker restart abc12345def6

Restarting Multiple Containers

You can restart multiple containers in one command by listing their names or IDs:

docker restart container1 container2 container3


Suppose you have three containers named api_service, db_service, and cache_service. You can restart them all at once with:

docker restart api_service db_service cache_service

Alternatively, use their container IDs:

docker restart 123abc 456def 789ghi

Restarting Containers in a Docker Compose Setup

If your containers are managed via Docker Compose, restarting all services is straightforward. Navigate to the directory containing the docker-compose.yml file and run:

docker-compose restart

This will restart all containers defined in your Compose file. If you want to restart a specific service, specify its name:

docker-compose restart service_name


If you have services defined as web, database, and redis in your Compose file, restart them all with:

docker-compose restart

Or restart only the database service:

docker-compose restart database

Checking the Status of Containers

After restarting, confirm that your containers are running with the docker ps command:

docker ps

This command lists all running containers, showing their names, IDs, and statuses. For example:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE             COMMAND                  STATUS          PORTS                          NAMES
abc12345def6   nginx:latest      "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   Up 5 minutes>80/tcp            web_app_1


Restarting Docker containers is a simple yet powerful operation that can resolve common issues or apply updates. Whether you’re working with individual containers or managing a fleet through Docker Compose, these commands give you the control you need to keep your environment running smoothly.

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