How to Force-Delete a Stuck Kubernetes Namespace

When working with Kubernetes, you may encounter a situation where a namespace gets stuck in the Terminating state. This usually happens because Kubernetes is waiting for certain resources to be cleaned up, but due to issues with finalizers or dangling resources, the namespace remains in a perpetual terminating state. If you’ve already tried deleting resources manually and they are stuck, you can use the method below to force-delete the namespace.

In this guide, we’ll show how to force-delete a namespace using kubectl proxy and a manual JSON edit.


You might encounter the following symptoms:

  • Running kubectl get namespace shows the namespace in a Terminating state for a long time. microk8s kubectl get namespace NAME STATUS AGE metallb-system Terminating 119m kube-system Active 132m default Active 132m
  • Deleting the namespace using kubectl delete namespace <namespace-name> does not work, and the namespace remains stuck. microk8s kubectl delete namespace metallb-system namespace "metallb-system" deleted However, checking the status again still shows it in Terminating.

Steps to Force-Delete the Namespace

Follow these steps to force Kubernetes to remove the stuck namespace.

Step 1: Start kubectl proxy

Start the kubectl proxy process, which allows us to interact with the Kubernetes API directly:

microk8s kubectl proxy --port=8001 &

The & symbol runs the process in the background.

Step 2: Fetch and Edit the Namespace JSON

Set the namespace variable for convenience:


Use the following command to fetch the namespace definition in JSON format and remove the finalizers field, which is causing the termination to be stuck:

microk8s kubectl get namespace $NAMESPACE -o json | jq '.spec = {"finalizers":[]}' > temp.json

This command:

  • Retrieves the namespace definition in JSON format.
  • Uses jq to set the finalizers field to an empty array ([]).
  • Saves the modified JSON to a file named temp.json.

Step 3: Send the Modified JSON to the Kubernetes API

Use curl to send the modified JSON back to Kubernetes, instructing it to finalize and delete the namespace:

curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT --data-binary @temp.json$NAMESPACE/finalize

This sends a PUT request to the Kubernetes API server, bypassing the stuck finalizers and forcing Kubernetes to finalize the deletion of the namespace.

Step 4: Verify the Deletion

Check if the namespace has been deleted:

microk8s kubectl get namespace

You should no longer see the $NAMESPACE namespace in the list.

Step 5: Cleanup

Stop the kubectl proxy process:

kill %1

This command stops the background kubectl proxy process that was started in Step 1.


By following these steps, you can force-delete a stuck Kubernetes namespace that remains in a Terminating state due to finalizers or dangling resources. This method is especially useful when dealing with namespaces that have custom resources or controllers (like MetalLB) that fail to clean up properly.

Always ensure that you understand the implications of force-deleting a namespace, as it may leave dangling resources behind. After deleting, it’s a good idea to verify that all critical components have been redeployed correctly.

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